Interactive / Korean Flag ||| ---  
The Korean Flag
Tae Kook Gi is not only the Korean flag, but also the very symbol that is associated with the philosophy of the Korean people. In the center of the flag is an equally divided circle. This is made of the upper (red) section, which represents the Yang while the lower (blue) section represents the Um or Yin theory of the eternal duality, which exists within nature. An example of this positive and negative theory would be light versus dark or hot versus cold. The four designs (Gi) at the corners of the flag are based on the principles of light and darkness and direction. Each set of three bar lines symbolizes the ideas of opposition and balance. Kun-Gi is located in the upper left of the flag with three lines unbroken.

This indicates heaven and the bright sunshine while the sun is located in the South. Across the flag in the lower right hand corner is Kon-Gi which has three lines broken. Kon-Gi symbolizes the earth and total darkness when the sun is in the North. The lower left is two unbroken lines separated by a broken line. This is Ee-Gi, and represents fire and the dawn or early sunlight as the sun comes up in the East. The last corner, the upper right, is Kam-Gi. This indicates water and the twilight as the sun moves to the West.

Together these four corners symbolize the universe; Heaven - Earth, Fire - Water, South - North, and East - West.

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